Vicars Cross United Reformed Church

Exploring the good news of God's love with our community

Secretary’s Chat

By the time you read this it will soon be Christmas!! Where does the time go?

 Maybe, as we get older, we possibly appreciate the time we have a bit more. Or could be we can’t run/move around as fast as we would like, due to one reason or another. Yes, old age doesn’t come by itself. As well as the aches and pains, needing hearing aids, magnifying glasses, can’t get up off the floor or in my case can’t get down either!  The list is endless but there are advantages if we only look for them. Experience, Wisdom, Memories. Life gives as well as takes.

We need to go with the flow, and become more accepting, more adaptable and less critical. Life can be hard, but it can also fill us with pure joy. It all depends, if you are a half full or half empty type of person. Look around and count your blessings, smile, become a good listener and learn to appreciate what you have and not what you don’t have, be kind to others as well as to yourself. Trust in the Lord and He will provide but be aware our wants are not necessary what we need. What we would like is sometimes a long way off from what is on offer.    

Yes, I need a holiday!

 Looking forward to seeing the sunshine again at some point. Our Summer Fair was probably more like an Autumn Fair, but a good time was had by all who came along. Maybe we will get outside at the Christmas Fair!!  With our weather anything is possible.                                      

The Church Halls will be closed for August as we are having our drains fixed which we pray will mean less leaks in the toilets. This is going to be expensive but there is lots of Fund-Raising ideas going around.

The first one is hopefully going ahead soon.

A Bike ride to London ! Honestly, I don’t think I could get on a bike never mind ride it. Interested? then keep your eyes and ears open for more details.

We will continue with our 1st Saturday of the month Coffee Mornings in August. September will be the McMillan Coffee Morning. October we will be supporting Stand up To Cancer.

Your support as ever is much appreciated.

As I said at the beginning “Soon be Christmas”!                                                         

Go out into the world rejoicing for God is waiting to meet you.                       

 Every Blessing.            Sheila                                                                                                           


FOOD BANKHello, just wanted to (nag!!!! cos I am good at it😂😂😂) and remind you to please, please, please, remember the foodbank when you’re shopping to help those who are struggling to get even the basics of food. It could be you, a loved one, or a neighbour who is in this position. Just one extra item a week in your shop to donate would help someone. I know things are difficult with the rising cost of just about everything, but the need is rising too and any help you can give would be so appreciated. I would be really grateful (and happy!) if the box could be filled to top every week. Please help where you can, it will mean a lot. Drop it in the box outside 62 Barkhill Road. Anything you can give in support and thank you for all you do give, our community is fab 😊


Tinned meat/fish

 Long life milk/juice


Tinned veg/potatoes

Instant mash

 Desserts/custard/rice pudding



Soups/cuppa soups

Toiletries/toilet rolls even!

Hi folks

As you may or not be aware there is going to be a lot of work being done in our church to rectify our drains to enable our toilets to work more efficiently. This is going to cost money! Our Treasurer is still in recovery! The Mersey Synod have kindly offered us a grant and a loan to enable the drainage work to start in August. All being well it will start on August 12th and pray they don’t find anything untoward; this should be finished by August 23rd. The halls and church will be closed for 2 weeks to allow this to be done. This means that the church services  on the 18th and 25th August will be cancelled.

This may be an ideal opportunity for you to visit another church in the area. Which brings me to the important bit we need to do some serious fund raising. As we all know a loan needs to be paid back.
What can we do?
Well, a few ideas have come forward, but your help is needed.
The Bike Ride from Chester to London which you can read about in the magazine is a start. More details about this venture will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Don’t worry I have been assured the bikes are stationery.
Marje is doing a walk and I’m sure she would love your company – she doesn’t walk very fast!!
And the last one is a Sing -a -Long in the church. We have done this before; it was very successful, and a good time was had by all. Peggy has offered to bring out the musical instruments again!!
More details with times and dates to be announced. BUT and this is a very big BUT, we need your support, yes we need your money but more importantly we need you all to feel part of this effort.
 We all use the toilets, so we will all benefit in some way!! If you have any ideas, we could use, please let us know. I have great faith in you all.
 Damaged Drains
The drainage problem is at last going to be fixed starting on the
12th August. The suspended concrete floor slab through which we will have to break out to gain access to the problem pipes. We are unable to see under the floor slab so we don’t know exactly what we are going to find. It is not practical to drill a hole through the slab as would hinder access to the extension. Where is Superman with his x-ray vision when you need him to let us see what is down there. The finance has been secured and the contractor lined up so we are ready to start. Once the drain repair is finished, the floor will be reinstated. The Polysafe vinyl flooring will match the corridor floor extending along towards the vestry and branching off up the ramp to the doors. So, it will be like walking down the “yellow brick road” to the extension from main corridor floor which is grey Polysafe vinyl.
This is the type of job when all the prayers from all church members and others are required for a successful conclusion.
Ian Cook