Vicars Cross United Reformed Church

Exploring the good news of God's love with our community

church garden

We are a friendly church in the hub of our community. 

We offer a very warm welcome to all who come to join us.

Exploring the Good News of 

God's Love with our Community 

Secretary’s Chat

Greeting to you all.

As I type this the rain is pouring down. What happened to summer, oh yes must have been those two good days we had. Well, it saves me watering the flowers.  I have been assured the sun will come out tomorrow – not sure what tomorrow that will be, but I look forward to it.

The month of May was rather a sad time for our church. three or our lovely members all died within weeks of each other. Emmie, Ann and Janet you are all at peace now and will not be forgotten.  Our thoughts and prayers are with their families as they come to terms with losing their loved ones.

We always remember in our prayers those who need to feel God’s loving and healing arms around them. Some we know but many we don’t so if you would like to talk to someone, contact any Elder at the church or put a note through our post box. Every Monday morning between 10am and 11am there is a Prayer Bee in the church. All are welcome to drop in.

Thank you to all who donated to The Great Glen Walk. 90 miles from Fort William to Inverness which my husband Ian will have completed by the time you read this.  He is hoping to raise at least £1500 for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd. He thanks you all for your donations and good wishes.

Did you catch Britian’s Got Talent with the AmaSing singing group. Some of the children were our actual Wednesday Club children, and they were brilliant, noisy and so enthusiastic. Well done. You made us proud.

It will soon be time for our Summer Fair. Saturday July 6th 1.30 – 3.30 p.m. we will be having the usual stalls of cakes, bric a brac, raffle, tombola, toys and books. Any contributions happily received. Hope to see you there. Put the date in your diary.

