Vicars Cross United Reformed Church

Exploring the good news of God's love with our community

church garden

We are a friendly church in the hub of our community. 

We offer a very warm welcome to all who come to join us.

Exploring the Good News of 

God's Love with our Community 

Secretary’s report October/November

Here we are again. Summer holidays well and truly over. What summer you may well ask? Schools are back, groups are up and running again in the halls and we are starting to prepare for the next stage of Church Life.

During the month of August, we had the mammoth upheaval of getting our drains fixed and the floor in the corridor and gents toilet re-laid. The general comment is that it was well worth the upheaval. Now we have the task of paying back the loan we received from Synod to do the work. Fundraising ideas are welcome. We had a very successful Bike Challenge from Chester to London.  Thank you one and all for your support. There are a few fundraising ideas coming up so please get involved.

Now we look forward to Autumn with the darker nights and staying in the warmth seems such a good idea. Can I just remind everyone to keep their eyes and ears open, especially for our housebound folks. In this busy life we all seem to lead it is so easy to overlook the neighbour we haven’t seen for a few days.                                                                     

At our Harvest Service at the end of September all the foodstuffs were donated to the Food Bank. Thank you to the Wednesday Club children who helped decorate the church with their pictures and for their contributions for this worthwhile but necessary part of life.                                                                   

We are still without a minister but if you know anyone who would like a visit or even someone to talk to please let any of the Elders know. We are a caring and loving church and are so thankful to our members who are so willing to lend their support.                                                                 

Couple of future dates for your diaries SOUP N SING AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE or inside if it’s too bad FRIDAY 29th NOVEMBER at 6.30 p.m. and CHRISTMAS FAIR SATURDAY DECEMBER 7th 1.30 – 3.30 p.m. See you there.

May the Lord bless you and keep you safe till we meet again. Amen.

