Vicars Cross United Reformed Church

Exploring the good news of God's love with our community


Toddler Group every Wednesday during term time 

1:30 until 3 babies & toddlers bring your adult.

All welcome. Refreshments available.

Wake up


As many of you know I am now involved with the foodbank in a “working” capacity as well as collecting the food donated on behalf of our Church. When just collecting donations, it seemed as though the idea of not having enough food to provide for yourself or your family wasn’t my problem and thought I was doing my bit by donating a “bit of shopping”.  Being involved in the distribution of food parcels to those who need it and hearing about the struggles they have to deal with on a day to day basis has taught me to change my outlook to those in need.

The struggle of too many people to have enough food to even provide themselves with a meal of some sort is all too real and the need is rising with the cost of living, bills, food prices, all increasing to eye watering levels that many cannot reach with either a low income or none at all and having to rely on benefits that don’t even touch the sides to provide a decent standard of living that most of us enjoy.

Attending meetings and workshops through West Cheshire Foodbank is showing me how bad the need is and the donations coming in are decreasing due to many not being able to give what they used to. Donations of money have also reduced, so to keep up with the demand of those needing help they are having to purchase a large amount of food to supplement the donations given out.

If you can, please donate in the box provided in church, it will be collected, or drop any items in the box at my house, 62 Barkhill Road. The box is emptied weekly by the foodbank and I would love it if it was full to bursting every week. Please consider an extra item in your weekly/monthly shop if you are able to help someone have a meal.  Items needed are:

Long life milk/juice – tinned potatoes/veg – tinned fish – tea – coffee – rice pudding – tinned fruit – packet soups – pasta – rice –  beans – spaghetti – instant mash – custard – biscuits – children’s treats – cereals - toiletries (these too, not just food)


 Food Collection points: 62 Barkhill Road, Vicars Cross, 

Chester CH3 5JJ OR Vicars Cross URC 

 Contact Trish Jones 01244 348039. 

Donate money: